
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We are thrilled to announce an exciting new feature that enhances our review template creation process! You can now rate goal-related questions using multiple scales. Previously, these questions could only be rated via a star scale. With this update, you have the flexibility to choose from a number, emoji scale, or star rating.
Multiple Rating Options
This enhancement allows you to tailor your reviews more effectively. Whether you prefer the precision of a numerical rating, the visual appeal of an emoji scale, or the familiarity of a star rating, you now have the tools to capture feedback in a way that best suits your needs.
  • Numerical ratings: provide clear, quantifiable data
  • Emoji scales: add an element of fun and engagement to the review process
  • Star ratings: a staple of many feedback systems, remain available for those who find them most intuitive.
How to Use the New Rating Options
When creating or editing a review template, you will now see the option to select the type of rating scale for each goal-related question. Simply choose the desired rating type—number, emoji, or star—and proceed with your template setup. It’s that easy!





For admins only

Enhanced Review Template Features

Optimized Question Order
Question Selection First: The order of review questions has been reorganized. Users now select review questions before adding goal or competency-related questions.
Logical Flow: This change enhances the logical flow of template creation, ensuring that the primary review questions are defined upfront, providing a solid foundation for adding goals and competencies.
Competency Questions Integration
New Addition: Competency questions are now included directly in the review template creation steps.
Improved Workflow: Users can seamlessly incorporate competency-based evaluations into their review templates, making the process more comprehensive and efficient.
These enhancements simplify the creation process, save time, and make reviews more holistic by addressing both performance and development areas. The improved interface and logical question order lead to a better user experience. Click here to learn more...


For admins only

For end-users

Teamflect is now available in Portuguese!

We're excited to announce that Teamflect now supports a new language, Portuguese! You can easily change the default language within the app by going to your Profile Settings, selecting "Language," and choosing Portuguese from the dropdown menu.
Enjoy using Teamflect in your preferred language and
to learn more.
We are thrilled to announce a refreshed design for our User License Management feature and more. The updated interface offers a cleaner, more intuitive layout, making it easier than ever to manage user access. With improved navigation and a streamlined process, admins can efficiently control who can and can't use Teamflect within their organization.
to see more.
With this latest update, admins can now tailor the visibility settings of job titles and role information based on different groups of people within their organization. screenzy-1718108741690
This update empowers admins to maintain transparency while ensuring sensitive role information remains accessible only to authorized individuals.
to learn more.
Having noted a marked area of improvement, we have updated the selection of question templates while creating 360 Feedback cycles across the platform. This change will be visible in all modules which incorporate 360 Feedback cycles.
Users will now be notified of the available templates for a specific feedback request group to ensure clarity and informed decision making.
Click here to see how you can utilise 360-degree feedback cycles.
With this update, Teamflect will now celebrate users' birthdays directly on the Home page. If the birthday attribute is entered into the system, you will see a special birthday greeting for your colleagues on their special day.
Happy celebrating! 🎂🎈
to learn more about managing user attributes in Teamflect.
Understanding the critical role competency assessment plays in performance evaluations, we've enhanced our platform to make it even easier for you to incorporate competency questions into your reviews.
This latest update allows you to effortlessly incorporate competency-based questions into your employee reviews. Whether you're assessing specific skills, behaviors, or qualifications, our platform now offers enhanced support for competency evaluations.
to learn more.
We understand the importance of flexibility and efficiency in your workflow, which is why we've enhanced the signing order feature to provide even more control and customization options for your reviews.
Now, admins can seamlessly select the signing order that best fits their workflow preferences. Whether it's sequential, parallel, or any other customized order, our updated feature empowers you to streamline your review process.
to learn more about this new feature.



For admins only

Fully customise your 9-box grid

In an update particularly delightful to the cats among us, we are happy to announce that our boxes just got better!
The 9-box grid is now fully customisable, and you can now fully personalise it to suit the spirit of your organisation. The changes made here will be applied to user profiles and reviews across the app.
In addition to the grids, the performance metrics and axes can also now be renamed, and the boxes can be coloured using our handy palette or using the hex code of your favourite colours.
to learn more about how you can customise your 9-box grid!
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