We are thrilled to announce an exciting new feature that enhances our review template creation process! You can now rate goal-related questions using multiple scales. Previously, these questions could only be rated via a star scale. With this update, you have the flexibility to choose from a number, emoji scale, or star rating.
Multiple Rating Options
This enhancement allows you to tailor your reviews more effectively. Whether you prefer the precision of a numerical rating, the visual appeal of an emoji scale, or the familiarity of a star rating, you now have the tools to capture feedback in a way that best suits your needs.
  • Numerical ratings: provide clear, quantifiable data
  • Emoji scales: add an element of fun and engagement to the review process
  • Star ratings: a staple of many feedback systems, remain available for those who find them most intuitive.
How to Use the New Rating Options
When creating or editing a review template, you will now see the option to select the type of rating scale for each goal-related question. Simply choose the desired rating type—number, emoji, or star—and proceed with your template setup. It’s that easy!